


Oct 20 (Tues), 10am-12pm: Indian Vegetarian Cooking Class
Class Description: In this ever-popular class, you will learn how to make an authentic 3-course Indian meal from scratch, typically consisting of an appetiser, curry, rice dish and/or salad. Class includes detailed explanation of spices and ingredients and how best to combine them to achieve the most authentic flavours!

Oct 22 (Thurs), 7.15pm-9.15pm: Southeast Asian Vegetarian Cooking Class
Class Description: In this class, you will learn how to make 3 Southeast Asian dishes in 3 different cooking styles - Singaporean, Thai, Malaysian, Indonesian, Burmese or any combination of these. It usually includes a curry, stir-fry and salad, using easily-available local ingredients. Add some variety to your life!

Oct 28 (Wed), 7.15pm-9.15pm: Indian Vegetarian Cooking Class
(see description above)


Nov 12 (Thurs), 7.15-9.15pm: Special Lao cuisine cooking class!
Class description: Just back from a fantastic trip to Laos and inspired by all the wonderful food there, I am going to teach a typical 3-course Laotian meal.
Lao food is very rarely seen outside of Laos because of its relatively small migrant community, yet its cuisine is delectably mouth-watering and waiting to be discovered! Its flavours are subtler and less spicy than Thai or Vietnamese food yet equally, if not more delicious. Come join this special class for an experience you will not forget!

Nov 17 (Tues), 7.15-9.15pm: Winter Soups and Warm Salads
Class description: In this new class, you will learn to make thick, chunky soups and warm, hearty salads from scratch - perfect comfort food to keep you warm in winter!

Nov 19 (Thurs) 7.15-9.15pm: Cooking with Tofu - 3 innovative ways of using this versatile ingredient!
Class Description: In this class, you will challenge yourself in using this highly versatile, protein-packed ingredient in a variety of cooking styles - Indian, Western & Southeast Asian. Trust me, the result will not be bland, it will be an explosion of flavours and you will see the humble tofu in a whole new light!

Nov 28 (Sat) 2-4pm: Indian Vegetarian Cooking Class
(see description above)

All the classes above will be taught at The Hutong (www.thehutong.com). To register, please email them at [email protected] or let me know.
Private classes are also possible and these can be completely customised - pls email me for more details.

以上所授课程是无肉无蛋的素食,上课地点在北京,报名请与 Shalu Asnani 联系。