歐盟警告畜牧業的溫室氣體排放 敦促減少肉食的消費

該決議在2月12日歐盟氣候變遷臨時委員會(European Parliament's Temporary Committee on Climate Change)獲得到通過。

歐盟2月4日在法國斯特拉斯堡舉行的27國議會形成一項題為“氣候變遷 ─ 2050年:今天決定未來”("Climate change - 2050: The future begins today")的決議中警告畜牧業的溫室氣體排放,並敦促減少肉食的消費。該決議有關內容的109條原文如下:

109. Recognises that the cultivation of cereals and soya as feed for livestock is responsible for substantial greenhouse gas emissions; recalls the report entitled "Livestock's Long Shadow" issued by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization in November 2006, which states that the livestock industry is responsible for 18% of the world's total greenhouse gas emissions; considers that a switch from intensive livestock production to extensive sustainable systems should be encouraged while total meat consumption also needs to be reduced, in particular in industrialised countries;


該決議在2月12日歐盟氣候變遷臨時委員會(European Parliament's Temporary Committee on Climate Change)獲得到通過。歐洲議會瑞典議員詹斯·荷姆表示,畜牧業是氣候變遷的最大元兇,此次對於減少肉食消費的廣泛支持具有很大的歷史意義。


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